Monday, January 12, 2009

Survey Says

So what do you think of the green paint? Our goal is to make the cut out over the fireplace pop. I really like the cut out, but I am a little unsure of the green strips along the top. Those green strips are really there. The drywall sticks out a few inches. from the rest of the surround. Nathan thinks it looks like a face and wants to paint them yellow again. I do not know if I like it yet, I need some feedback. By the way the green paint matches our freshly painted kitchen. So there is a tie in to the rest of the place. I am waiting until we put in a tile back splash before I post pics of the kitchen.


Emily said...

I like it! I can see how it looks like a face though...

Mrs. R said...

I like it, too. If the "Face" thing is bothering you, you could always make the horizontal parts white to match the trim around the fireplace.

Anonymous said...

I think it looks like the Master Control Program from Tron.
