Thursday, November 18, 2010

3 Months Old

I know this is just four of the same style of picture, but I could not pick just one pose. He truly is such a happy little guy. It is pretty rare that he cries for no reason and usually if he gets fussy while on his floor gym or in his bouncy seat it is only because he is lonely. The moment you sit down and talk to him he is all smiles again.

He discovered he had hands this month and he is starting to grab for the toys on his floor gym and bouncy seat. He is also becoming ticklish. It is pretty easy to get him to smile or even laugh if you tickle his belly. He loves to "talk" back and forth with you. Jack is really starting to watch Gretchen. If she is playing near by he always turns his head to see what big sister is up too.

He is turning into a champion sleeper at night from 8-8 most nights. He does nap but we have not developed any sort of pattern yet. He usually only naps for a half an hour at a time and does it several times a day. We are hoping his naps start to lengthen this month and become more predictable.

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