Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jack turns six months and G let me take her picture!

Little man is not so little :(! At his check-up he weighed 19lbs 12oz and was 29 1/2 inches long. Those numbers put him in the 90% for weight and off the chart for height. He is the height of the average 11 month old. This past month he has started rolling over more regularly, and he is working on sitting up. He can sit up if propped up like a tripod or with pillows. Although he falls over if he reaches for a toy. However, I think he will be sitting up very soon because he hates not being able to sit up and play with toys. It makes him quite angry. He loves jumping in his jumparoo, chewing on toys, and playing with Gretchen. He also has a favorite book, Snuggle Puppy by Sandra Boughton. I think part of the reason he loves that book is because it involves singing. He loves being sung too. He is a champion sleeper at night 12-13hour straight! He also usually takes two naps totally 2 1/2 hours during the days. He has started developing stranger danger, the need to pull hair, and the love of dropping things from his high chair. I am hoping all three pass quickly. He is still overall our happy little man and we love him.

Gretchen still loves books and can actually read quite a few words.

Two is a challenging age no questions about it. However, Gretchen is a stellar big sister. Even as Jack has started to pull hair she is still super patient with him just saying "No no baby." She also learns so fast it is astounding. She is actually starting to read! This past week has been a return to the even tempered, super affectionate, giggly little person she was before she turned two. How I hope this is a permanent transition and not the side affect of Asian flu or something. She has even let me take her picture without any argument.
Look at those gorgeous green eyes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You two have beautiful kids! Glad to see your family is doing so great!

Sarah Brock