I can not believe this little man is already 11 months old. He is so happy and interactive. He is truly a little piece of sunshine in our home. I assume all babies process information this way because both of mine have; but they will learn how to do or say something new do it over and over again and then it goes away and they are on to the new thing. I remember right around a year old Gretchen had an explosion in communication where all the old things came back. This explosion just happened for Jack. So we are pointing, waving, clapping, touching toes, saying "MaMa," "Da Da" and the list goes on. He has also just started to pull himself up. He is so please with himself which is also cute to see. He is going through a bit of a Mommy phase. So if I am in the room no one else will do. I think this is also coinciding with finally starting to teeth. As of right now he does not have a single tooth to his name.
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