Sunday, June 03, 2007


I have a theory that you should not have kids until you can keep a pet or plants alive for a period of time. I have done no research to prove my theory, but I do think it has merit. Kids certainly take a lot more work than a bonsai tree but it is better than having never tried to keep anything alive first.
I have never had much of a green thumb, although my mom is great at it. Go figure. I wanted to get a puppy, but Nathan said no way, which brought me back to plants. For the last three summers I have tried to keep some flowers alive on my deck in planters without much success. In my defense the first summer was ridiculously hot and my little plants could not take it. Last summer I got them to survive, but they looked pathetic, very twiggy, and not many flowers. This summer I was determined to have pretty flowers. I did some research and found a type that loves tons of afternoon sun and I splurged and bought the expensive Miracle Grow Potting Soil with moisture control. So far my flowers are looking fantastic. I wish I could take all of the credit, but I do think the expensive potting soil helped quite a bit. So if you are having trouble keeping your plants looking good try that stuff out. Just to prove my plants are looking good I took a few pictures of them last night, enjoy.

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