Saturday, July 29, 2006

Thoughts on teaching band

Anyone who listens to me talk about teaching has heard me make a few obligatory comments such as, "I took my first drink while students teaching," or, "I love being a teacher during July." Although both of those comments are true, I am just kidding. The morning period for summer has ended and it has been replaced by laughter and crazy kids. Do you remember how fun band was in high school and college? How interesting all the characters were, both friends and acquaintances? Well I am teaching the next generation of those kids. I think that is why I love teaching band so much.

I am sure this is no surprise to anyone but all my friends growing up were made through band (except my husband). I think I have some of the greatest friends around for many reasons but one that stands out is their independent spirits. I find most people who stick with band for more than two years have a bit of this in their personality. I love spending time with people who have a sense of themselves and do what makes them happy. Lets face it, band is not exactly a class to take to be voted homecoming queen. However, I will believe this until the day I die: it is one to take to make life long friends.

The kids I teach are no exception. This past Friday we had summer jazz rehearsal. Summer jazz is very basic. We learn jazz articulation and blues scales. However, I throw one tune into the mix just to keep them happy. One of my kids has been bugging me to play Soul Bossa Nova (Austin Power's Theme) for two years now. I decided it might make a good summer jazz tune. This one guy convincied everyone this was the best song since sliced bread and we have just been having a great time. If you know the song I am referring to, you know it has a high pitched vocal part in the beginning which our arrangement does not have. This upset our ring leader and he asked if he could sing the part. I said he could only if he promised to sing it at the concert into a microphone. He accepted my challenge and we shook hands on it. Once we started rehearsing again, our vocalist was singing in full force. We all broke down in laughter unable to continue, myself included. Ahh it is good to be back.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Back to the grind stone

Well summer band began for me this past Monday. I am always a little sad before I head back to work. Please do not confuse this we me complaining about the amount of time I have off because I am not. I just morn the loss of my care free summer life style. However once I get back into the band room and start interacting with the kids I forget all about my blues and get excited about what we are doing.

Summer band is unusual because I play lighter selections that we never get to do during the school year. My top group is doing 25 or 6 to 4, Themes from Jurrasic Park, the Pink Panther and last but certainly not least Illinois Loyalty!!! Actually they are doing a bang up job with U of I's school song. Feel free to join us at our summer band concert, Thursday August 17th.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mini-Road Trip

We just returned from visiting Nathan's family in St. Louis and Columbia, Mo. I have to say I did luck out in the in-law department. Nathan's family is so friendly and inviting, it makes me wish we lived closer to them. The only down said is the car trip. I really hate driving. First my car is not built for long hauls. The seats are terribly uncomfortable and I have no cruise control. Please learn from my mistake, never buy a car without cruise control! I always get the worst leg cramp after we finish our trek across Illinois. Another reason I hate car trips is the way you eat. We do our best to avoid fast food, but I still always feel like I eat terribly on the road. Maybe it is the fact that you eat and then just sit there for hours. Anyway, we are back and I start teaching summer band tomorrow (more about that in future posts I am sure.)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Some favorite pics

Two of my favorite pictures from our wedding in 2004!

Christmas 2005 with the Haselhorst Family.

Christmas 2003 at the Renner compound.

Jen and Nathan braving the rapids, June 2006.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My first posting

Hello all this is my maiden voyage into posting on my own blog. I got the idea from a couple of friends of mine Cindy and Tony. They are both friends from high school that as kids we would share any little thought that came into our heads. But since adulthood has taken hold we no longer get the chance. Since I started checking in on their blogs’ however I feel like a bit of that has returned.

Just a couple of program notes as we get going. I am a terrible speller and my grammar is substandard (just ask any of my English teacher friends.) I promise I will do the best I can but please do not heckle me about this. Everyone needs a short coming and this is mine. It could be worse I do not drink or do drugs…I have never even gotten a speeding ticket (knock on wood.) So please be kind and remember I am doing this in an effort to stay a little closer with my friends. Also I am still trying to figure this blog thing out so my apologies if mine is a bit lack lust in the beginning. If anyone can tell/show me how to change the links on the side of my page I would be most grateful.