A couple of months ago the Today Show did a story about how wasteful we are with food. They gave a staggering statistic that American Families throw away 30b lbs of food a month. A few days later as I threw away an almost full bag of baby carrots, I felt badly about being wasteful. So I went out and bought some Green Bags. I am sure you have seen the add for them on TV saying fruits and vegetables will last weeks longer if you keep them in these bags.
Well they do work, but it is not the complete miracle the commercial claims them to be. I have only used these bags with veggies, not fruits. I have had good results. Usually after a week or two baby carrots are no good in my refrigerator. They are either dried out, cracked and bitter tasting, or soggy and gross. Well after three weeks the baby carrots are still good. Do they taste as good as the day you got them like the commercial claims: No. One other downside is that you are supposed to wipe out the condensation that builds up in the bags every few days. Overall, I would say they are a good solution if you are trying to save money and not be wasteful.