Tuesday, March 31, 2009

One Year Check-up

Playing with her new toys. So far her favorite is the box her shoes came in and the train from Grandma and Grandpa Haselhorst.

We just had Gretchen’s one year check-up. We are happy to report she is a healthy little girl. She weighs 21lbs and 13 oz which puts her between the 50-75 percentile for weight. She is 31 inches long which places her in the 97 percentile for height. She has gained less than a pound in the last three months. We were a little concerned but, doc said that is normal for their weight to slow down and to thin out as they become more active. I am happy to report she is starting to eat a broader range of foods including meat finally! We still have a long way to go, especially on the veggie front but we are seeing progress.

Doc was also impressed with her communication and imitation skills. She said Gretchen is advanced for her age on those fronts. She is getting the beginnings of several words and using some of the harder consonant sounds such as “t” and “k.” She can also find her nose, mouth, arm, and toes when asked as well as a few other commands.

Gretchen did finally decide crawling is better than rolling a little over a month ago. She is working on walking. She loves cruising around on furniture, but she still has some work to do on gaining her balance. .She has also started climbing our stairs. Yikes!

Although she is definitely gaining some opinions, she is still the same smiley little Gretchen.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Snow in March?

I know that snow in March does stink. On the bright side look at the picture I took on the way to church this morning. Don't you just wish you lived in a place that looked like this? Good news you can, our town home is still for sale!!!

One Year Old

Here is Gretchen's One Year photo. Please forgive me I could not find the "R" and had to use a backwards 7.
Outtake for our one year photo.

Here is G opening her presents with Daddy.

My college roommate Jen and Gretchen's future roommate Emily.

I did a cupcake tree instead of a cake. It looks pretty cute if I say so myself.

Could she look any happier about wearing that hat? It did not last long.

Gretchen was so lucky to have all four of her grandparents there to help celebrate her first birthday!

Here is the shot, a face full of cake. This picture is deceiving, she actually did not like the cake. After touching it a few times she started reaching for me to take her away from it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Tricks

Gretchen has taken a huge jump in the last few weeks in undertstanding language, following commands and talking. Although she only has a few words out right she is getting the beginning sounds of several new words. Here are a few of the new words she understands and her saying bye-bye.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

House Selling

The house selling is going as well as it can in this market. We have been listed for just over a month now and we have had four showings. One couple came twice. They have not even put their place one the market yet, so goodness knows if that will turn into anything. We had a promising showing yesterday. It was a single guy and first time home buyer. He loved our place, but it was literally the first place he looked at. His realtor said he wanted to look and see what is available but, he wanted this one on his list. Please say a little prayer that he decides our place is his favorite.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Zoo trip

Turning into a Big Girl

Gretchen loves books! They are her preferred toys as of late. She loves to be read to and turn the pages. She does occasionally like to nibble on her books. We could not be happier with what a little bookworm she is turning into.

Gretchen has flat out rejected almost all big people food. This past week however she did an about face and is now rejecting all baby food. Although she ate any baby food right off the bat she is a little slow to warm up to adult foods. We are having to introduce them several times to get her to eat them rather than throw them. I am a little worried about her getting enough to eat. I am hoping we are going to get past this in a week or so.

My floor after we tried the California Veggie Medly.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Where did this year go?

My mom always said time goes by faster as you get older. When I was little I had no idea what she meant and now I could not agree more. Where has this year gone? I can not believe my little baby girl is about to turn one on the 26th. Part of me wishes I could go back and relive this year again and again. A bigger part is having too much fun with the little person Gretchen has turned into and can not wait to see what she will learn to say or do next. But to appease the first part of me here is a look back at my baby girl

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Amayah Turns One

Here is my mom, Tif and sister. That is great grandma, mommy and grandma for Amayah.

Here is the birthday girl blowing out her candles.

Amayah enjoyed her cake.