Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Last day of freedom

So how does one spend their last day of freedom before returning to work…

4:30 am woken up by storm (That was not how I pictured starting my day)

6:30 finally fall back asleep

8:30 wake-up for good/do my back exercises (my rehab doc would be proud!)

9:00 eat breakfast/watch Bringing Home Baby on TLC (The couple was bring home triplets!)

9:30 go for a walk before it gets to hot

10:45 return from walk and shower

11:30 go to TJ Maxx/Target (Man, decorative pillows are expensive! No purchases were made.)

12:30 Contemplate stopping for ice cream but decide against it and go home.

12:45 Lunch

2:00 Dentist

3:00 rehab

4:00 watch T.V. (nothing special)

5:00 make dinner (Spicy noodles with broccoli)

5:30 watch Nathan eat dinner; my mouth was still numb from the dentist

6:00 check email and blog about day

I suspect I will just putz around for the rest of the evening. I wished I had napped. Going to the dentist was a drag, but other than that I am pretty happy with my day.

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