Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

What to do on New Year’s Eve? That question always seems like such a big deal to people my age. In the last few years a familiar new year’s gang has formed and we always have a lot of fun. My buddy Racheal and I have spent more New Year’s Eve’s together than not since high school. As we got married our hubbies were brought into the fold. The group then progressed into four couples adding in our friends Julie and Matt along with their spouses. Not that we have spent every new years together or that we always do the same thing. One year we all went to a Japanese restaurant where the chef does all the knife tricks. Another time some of us went to Navy Pier.

This year we decided to do a pot luck dinner at my place. We enjoyed good food, laughs, and board games. It always seem like when ever we get together with a group and play games it turns into boys verses girls. It is funny that no matter how old we get that seems to be everyone’s favorite way to divide into teams. Why is that? Anyways for those of you interested the boys won at Scene It and the girls won Taboo. I knew the boys would win at Scene It because Nathan has a freakish ability at that game. Take my advice if you are every playing that game and Nathan is an option as a team member, pick him. Or better yet have it be everyone verses Nathan and see how you do.

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